Sedia - Chair
Misure: 100 x 40 x 40 cm
Prezzo: p.c. €
Una seduta molto pulita ed architettonica,
nata concettualmente da pochi, ma sapienti tagli e pieghe in un foglio di carta.
Ne risulta una sedia che valorizza linee e volumi, ma anche la ventaura piena del Legno Massello di Rovere con cui è realizzata.
Estremamente decorativa, si presta anche ad un utilizzo collaterale. Come base d'appoggio per vestiti, riviste o libri.
Finitura ad Oleoresine Naturali Atossiche. Design: Ronald Iemmi
Made in Italy . 100% Italian Handmade
An architectural but very smooth seat which conceptually took place from very few but pondered and meticulous cuts and folds of a piece of paper.
The result is a chair that enhances lines and volumes, as well as the material with which the chair is made of, that is solid oak wood.
This highly decorative chair can also have secondary uses, such as clothes-stand or magazines/books stand.
The finishing is made of natural non-toxic oleoresins. Translation: Micael Minutiello.
Design: Ronald Iemmi Photo: Alessandro Soliani All rights Reserved.